
Rocky’s Viewpoint

Rockys Viewpoint

A blog for people who treat their dogs better than family

The holiday season is all about family and friends, including our 4-legged friends. We want our dogs to be part of the festivities, but we also need to make sure they stay safe and stress free. According to many vets, the holidays are one of the most dangerous times of the year for pets. Here are some important guidelines and tips to think about this holiday season.

Can you tell when your dog is frightened or fearful? Do you know how to read his body language, stress signals and calming/cutoff signals he exhibits when anxious or scared?

Today is a special day – 11/11/11, the only time this century the 2 digits for month, day, and year are all ones. At 11:11am today, date and time will be all ones. As a former software engineer, I think about how all programming languages have at their core the basic values of ones and zeros, one means yes, and zero means no. So on a spiritual level, today is a day for “yes.”

Category: Fun
Category: Exercise, Hydrotherapy