
Rocky’s Viewpoint

Rockys Viewpoint

A blog for people who treat their dogs better than family

Recently, I was speaking with a friend about how many people often overlook pets in their estate planning. A friend of ours had just passed away and I wondered what would happen to her pets. Most likely, I figured, her daughter would take them. But that’s not always the case.

Category: Safety

Is your dog overweight? If so, check out this video to see what can be done to help. If your dog doesn’t lose the weight, studies show he’ll die an average of 2 years earlier than a dog at normal weight, and will suffer health problems that may include diabetes, heart, joint and breathing problems, and more. Plus you’ll be spending unnecessary time and money at the vet’s office. Do both you and your dog a favor, help him lose the weight starting today.

Category: Weight Loss

I think we have all finally learned that inhaling second-hand smoke is just as bad as smoking.

The State of Colorado and Connecticut Departments of Public Health conducted studies and found that second hand smoke is greatly associated with nasal sinus cancer and linked to lung cancer in dogs. The incidence of nasal cavity tumors in dogs that were exposed to second-hand smoke was higher than dogs that lived in households with non-smoking members.

Are you thinking of making changes in your life in 2014? What about your dog? The New Year is a great time to re-evaluate what you’re doing with and for your dog so you can hopefully avoid or delay common ailments or health and behavior concerns that may affect him. If you’re looking for ideas, here are a few.

Category: Fun