
Rocky’s Viewpoint

Rockys Viewpoint

A blog for people who treat their dogs better than family

Have you looked at your dog’s food label and wondered what it all meant? If you’re concerned about feeding the best possible diet to your dog, how do you determine that by comparing labels, if at all?

Reading and becoming familiar with the common terminology on dog food labels is one of the best ways to determine the quality of food you are feeding.

Recently a new client came to us for hydrotherapy because her dog was turning 9 years old and she was beginning to notice he was slowing down a bit. He is a larger pit bull, and definitely heavier in the front end. She was having trouble walking and otherwise exercising him enough to keep his…

Because of an accidental dog scratch in the wrong place on my body, and subsequent nasty infection, I have spent much of the last 6 weeks on heavy duty antibiotics, including some that were administered intravenously in the ORMC emergency room.

I’m almost healed but taking such strong antibiotics for a lengthy period of time has taken its toll on my body. Because they kill both good and bad bacteria, I’m certain they temporarily ruined my immune system. I caught a cold, and I just didn’t feel good because my whole body was completely out of whack.

Category: Health Management

One day last week, we had a new potential boarding client come with her 2 year old great dane. When they came through the front door, the dog started barking and lunging at me, despite the fact that I wasn’t looking at or otherwise engaging him. A bit later, I bent over with my side to the dog to get some business cards for the owner and the dog lunged at me getting very close to the side of my face, all the time barking. I could feel his breath on my cheek. I wasn’t doing anything that I believed was confrontational.

Does your dog have dry, itchy or flaky skin or a dry looking coat? What about brittle nails, joint pain from arthritis or other degenerative diseases, anxiety, heart or digestive issues? If the answer to any of these is YES, your dog might benefit from an omega-3 fish oil supplement.

Category: Health Management

I have never been a cat person, probably because I’m highly allergic to them and can’t have them in my home. If I touch one I have to wash my hands immediately. If I’m in a room with one, in no time at all, I can’t breathe. I’ve always thought they were cute, but I don’t know a lot about them.

Are you starting to think of a summer vacation and want to include your dog in your plans?Yes I am co-owner of a wonderful boarding facility and love taking care of people’s dogs when they travel, but sometimes you just want to take your dog with you.I know I do.If you’re thinking of a road…

Category: Fun, Relationships

I read an article the other day about how experts are predicting that seasonal allergies will be  exceptionally bad this spring.As one who suffers from seasonal allergies, I was thrilled to learn I might be sneezing a lot more this spring!But it also started me thinking about Yankee and other dogs who experience the symptoms…

Category: Health Management

My dog Yankee, a golden retriever, jumps on people.He does it to me when he’s excited, when he greets people who come to my front door and when someone has something in their hand that he thinks he must have. I always figured it was a golden retriever thing because Rocky did it as well,…

With another Valentine’s Day is approaching, the special someone I want to spend the day with is my dog! After my husband passed away in 2013, Yankee has been there to love and support me in a way that no one else could. From curling up next to me on the couch in the evening to egging me on to go play ball with him, he has been by my side and helped me overcome the most difficult time in my life. There is no one more special to me.

Category: Fun, Relationships