
Rocky’s Viewpoint

Rockys Viewpoint

A blog for people who treat their dogs better than family

Pet Dental Month: What You Need To Know

February is National Pet Dental Health month! While it seems like there’s a day/month for everything these days, this one is super important, and not just in February!

Oral Health: It Affects Our Pups, Too.

We often comment about a pup’s bad breath, but did you know that this could be a warning sign of a larger issue?  Bad breath, losing teeth, and a change in eating/chewing habits could all be signs that something is not right.

According to the American Veterinary Dental College, periodontal disease is the most common clinical condition occurring in not just dogs, but cats as well.  It’s also the most preventable. On average, most dogs are showing signs of this by the age of 3. By the time it starts to present itself, the damage has already begun and it’s very hard to reverse.  

This is why it’s important to incorporate a good routine early. Having a good home routine, combined with regular dental checkups with your vet can go a long way in preventing periodontal disease and other health issues that result from the damage.  Not to mention, the money that it will save. You know the saying, and ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!

How can you start a routine at home?  Glad you asked! Below are some examples of what you can do to prevent your pup from obtaining oral health issues:

Brush Your Canine’s Canines! 

Pet dental month

You may be thinking that this sounds like the last thing you or your pup want to do…and you may be right! However, if you invest the time, patience and concern for your pet’s oral health, brushing their teeth can actually be tolerable- maybe even fun.

Is Your Pup Not Having It?

 You can brush naturally with treats, toys, and food that is good for their teeth. Relying solely on this method for dental cleaning is not recommended, but if your pup is not having it, this can help with bad breath and reducing plaque and tartar buildup. There are lots of toys and chews that have nubs on them that are good for cleaning teeth.  Feeding your pup a strict raw diet or giving them fresh and healthy treats (like certain fruits and vegetables) can also assist in maintaining good oral health. Carrots, for example, are very crunchy, and can help keep teeth clean (they are also high in sugar, so not too many carrots!)

 Give Your Pup Regular Checkups. 

Pets are similar to humans in the fact that they need regular checkups with the doctor.  A yearly comprehensive exam, dental cleanings, blood work, and overall care will help ensure a healthy, long life for your furry love. Ask your vet about proactive measures that you can take to better your dog’s oral health. Be sure to ask them right away if you notice any changes in your pup’s oral health.  How will you know when it’s time to worry?  Here are some common warning signs:

It may sound like a lot, but if you start this as a regular routine, you’ll save yourself time, worry, and money in the long run.  You could also improve your pup’s overall health and give them a longer life.