
Rocky’s Viewpoint

Rockys Viewpoint

A blog for people who treat their dogs better than family

Your Dog and Excess Weight

I read a great article in the Orlando Sentinel the other day entitled “The incredibly growing pet.” The article focused on the epidemic of fat pets in the United States. According to a recent survey conducted by the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention, more than half the dogs and cats in the US are overweight or obese. And many people often don’t recognize the fact that their pet is overweight. While there are medical reasons why a pet can become overweight, the article noted the reason often given by owners with overweight dogs – it’s because we love them so much that we feed them all the time!

If your dog is overweight, what can you do?

We all love our pets and want the best life possible for them. One way to ensure this is to make sure they stay at their proper weight. For more information on what you can do to help your pet maintain healthy weight visit https://petobesityprevention.org/.