
Rocky’s Viewpoint

Rockys Viewpoint

A blog for people who treat their dogs better than family

An adult dog can do almost anything within reason. As such, some people love exercising with their dogs – a great opportunity to maximize both of your workouts. However, even with an adult dog, you need to consider his needs and physical condition before starting any strenuous exercise regimen involving your dog. Puppies and adolescents…

Category: Exercise

With the weather beginning to warm, and days becoming longer, we start thinking of fun things to do in Central Florida with our dogs. Here are a few of our favorites, if you have any other suggestions, please let us know – post it on our facebook page (www.facebook.com/rrchfc)!

Category: Fun, Relationships

Who is the one who is always excited to see you, waiting patiently until you arrive home every day? Who loves you unconditionally? Who likes to snuggle in your lap at night while you relax watching TV? While it might be your significant other, more than likely it’s your beloved furry friend! Valentine’s Day is coming up, so why not celebrate the special love you have with your dog on this day that honors love?

What can you do with your dog that will make this day extra special? Here are a few ideas.

Category: Relationships