
Rocky’s Viewpoint

Rockys Viewpoint

A blog for people who treat their dogs better than family

The big news this week is that Darrelle Revis of the New York Jets tore his ACL ending his season as the Jets’ star cornerback.  This isn’t the end of the world, well maybe for the Jets this season, but he will heal and most likely come back next season. The same injury that Darrelle…

I know there are different opinions as to whether table food or scraps are OK to feed your dog. Many veterinarians are adamantly opposed to feeding “people food” to a dog. I personally don’t see a problem. I’ve been feeding my dog Beau the same food I’ve been eating for a long time. In addition…

Category: Health Management

On a day when Miles decided he just wasn’t into swimming, he just wanted to dance! See the video….

Category: At Rocky's Retreat, Fun
dogs aging

Just like people, each dog ages differently. In general, mixed breeds and smaller dogs tend to live longer than purebreds or larger dogs. Dogs less than 20 pounds may not seem to show any signs of age until they’re around 12, 50-pound dogs around 10, while larger dogs begin to show their age between 7 to 9 years old. As a general rule, a dog who is 7 years or older should be considered middle to senior aged.