What do you think is the best gift you can give your pet?
Could it be your love? Or your time? Those are definitely important, but I
think the best gift we can give our beloved pet companions is the gift of
When exercising your puppy or young dog, you need to be aware of how much exercise he is getting at one time.
What is it about the belly rub? Whenever I try to pet my dog Yankee, he immediately rolls over and wants a belly rub. Why is that? Do all dogs want belly rubs? Why does it feel so good? When I scratch his belly in just the right way, Yankee will fall asleep. If I don’t do it just right, it sends his back leg into motion, trying to scratch away at what seems to be tickling him.
Studies have shown that males are predominately left pawed and females right-pawed. Those that are neither (ambidextrous) have been shown to exhibit noise phobias. Those that exhibit paw preferences seem to be less reactive to disturbances as they can transfer their attention to other things more successfully.
We’re very excited that construction has finally begun on our health and fitness center!
What a great day we had on Sunday at the 8th Annual Doggie Art Festival in Winter Park!