
Rocky’s Viewpoint

Rockys Viewpoint

A blog for people who treat their dogs better than family

There’s a great article in the November issue of Whole Dog Journal about preparing your dog for guests who may visit during the holidays. Because of the change in routine and how busy people get during the holidays, accidents and illness can happen much more frequently. This article recommends steps that will help keep your…

‘Tis the season! The holidays can be a fun time, good time spent with family and friends, but they can also be hazardous and stressful for your dog. Here are some tips to help keep your pets safe and happy during this time of year. If you put up a tree, consider securing your tree to a wall…

Category: Safety

With Thanksgiving tomorrow, we wanted to talk about ways to keep dogs safe during this holiday. Here are some tips.

• Watch turkey bones. Don’t give table scraps that contain cooked turkey bones or leave plates with bones lying around. Cooked turkey bones are sharp and can be dangerous.
• Don’t give your pet fatty table scraps – this can cause pancreatitis or gastroenteritis, conditions that can be life threatening.

Category: Safety

Dressing up the family dog in a Halloween costume seems to be all the rage, with cute costumes and a chance to show off your adorable cute pet at one of the many Halloween costume contests that are abundant this time of year.  But unlike kids, your dog probably won’t be as happy wearing a costume especially if the…

Category: Safety

Depending on where you live, summertime can be hot, very hot. And humid as well. Some dogs tolerate it better than others, but still not as well as we do. That being said, summer is still a great time to be out with your dog enjoying the long hours of daylight. But there’s still a risk of heat overexposure, so you need to exercise caution and be mindful of the following …

Category: Safety

The Orlando Sentinel had an informative article yesterday titled “How safe is your backyard for your pets?” Is this something we think about? I know I do.

Category: Safety

The holiday season is all about family and friends, including our 4-legged friends. We want our dogs to be part of the festivities, but we also need to make sure they stay safe and stress free. According to many vets, the holidays are one of the most dangerous times of the year for pets. Here are some important guidelines and tips to think about this holiday season.

Recently, my dear friend and wonderful financial planner, Rob, sent me an article that appeared in the Wall Street Journal about how many people often overlook pets in their estate planning. These days, pets are a real part of the family and as such, their care going forward needs to be considered in your planning

Category: Relationships, Safety

Have you ever moved with your dog? Some people do, and others don’t. I’m part of the group that has moved several times with my dog – sometimes across town, other times across the country.

Category: Relationships, Safety

I know I’ve written about this before, but I wanted to revisit the subject especially since I’m experiencing it with one of Yankee’s good friends, another golden retriever named Miles. Miles is spending some time with us while his “parents” are on vacation.