I have never been a cat person, probably because I’m highly allergic to them and can’t have them in my home. If I touch one I have to wash my hands immediately. If I’m in a room with one, in no time at all, I can’t breathe. I’ve always thought they were cute, but I don’t know a lot about them.
Are you starting to think of a summer vacation and want to include your dog in your plans? Yes I am co-owner of a wonderful boarding facility and love taking care of people’s dogs when they travel, but sometimes you just want to take your dog with you. I know I do. If you’re thinking…
I read an article the other day about how experts are predicting that seasonal allergies will be exceptionally bad this spring. As one who suffers from seasonal allergies, I was thrilled to learn I might be sneezing a lot more this spring! But it also started me thinking about Yankee and other dogs who experience…
My dog Yankee, a golden retriever, jumps on people. He does it to me when he’s excited, when he greets people who come to my front door and when someone has something in their hand that he thinks he must have. I always figured it was a golden retriever thing because Rocky did it as…
With another Valentine’s Day is approaching, the special someone I want to spend the day with is my dog! After my husband passed away in 2013, Yankee has been there to love and support me in a way that no one else could. From curling up next to me on the couch in the evening to egging me on to go play ball with him, he has been by my side and helped me overcome the most difficult time in my life. There is no one more special to me.
It’s a new year and many people are making resolutions that involve weight loss in themselves. I’m sure most of us have put on a few pounds over the holidays and the New Year is great time to get serious and get in shape. The same is true with our dogs. How do you know if your dog is overweight?
The holiday season is in full swing and if you’re like many people, you may be looking for a special gift for the dog or dog lover in your life. We’ve written about gift giving ideas before, but we’ve updated this list for 2015. Instead of a new squeaky toy or a dog bone, here are some cool ideas that will appeal to a variety of different dogs and people!
For Rocky’s entire life and for a short time in Yankee’s life, I used the same retractable leash to walk them both. It seemed to make sense with Rocky who liked to wander and sniff more into the neighbors’ yards than I was willing to walk. Rocky was very low key, and not fazed by anything so walking on a retractable leash presented no real problems unless another dog approached.
On my recent annual vet visit, I discovered that my 8 year old dog Yankee’s thyroid is on the low side of normal, despite the fact that he doesn’t exhibit any of the typical symptoms.
Not of great concern, but because he doesn’t present known causes, I couldn’t understand why he might this might be happening until I learned about the potential problems with dog collars.
I’ve noticed over the last six months or so that my dog Yankee has developed some anxieties. At Rocky’s, if I put him in the office with his pal Beau, he starts scratching at the door wanting to come out and be with me. He’s never done that before. He’s also started to develop some storm related anxiety, a very new development.