
Rocky’s Viewpoint

Rockys Viewpoint

A blog for people who treat their dogs better than family

An adult dog can do almost anything within reason. As such, some people love exercising with their dogs – a great opportunity to maximize both of your workouts. However, even with an adult dog, you need to consider his needs and physical condition before starting any strenuous exercise regimen involving your dog. Puppies and adolescents…

Category: Exercise

With the weather beginning to warm, and days becoming longer, we start thinking of fun things to do in Central Florida with our dogs. Here are a few of our favorites, if you have any other suggestions, please let us know – post it on our facebook page (www.facebook.com/rrchfc)!

Category: Fun, Relationships

Who is the one who is always excited to see you, waiting patiently until you arrive home every day? Who loves you unconditionally? Who likes to snuggle in your lap at night while you relax watching TV? While it might be your significant other, more than likely it’s your beloved furry friend! Valentine’s Day is coming up, so why not celebrate the special love you have with your dog on this day that honors love?

What can you do with your dog that will make this day extra special? Here are a few ideas.

Category: Relationships

A friend of ours was telling us a story about someone she knew who hired a canine massage practitioner to work on their dog. The dog was apparently older, had severe arthritis, didn’t want to move around, and the owner felt that massage would be a good way to help provide some pain relief so the dog would want to be more mobile.

Category: Massage, Safety

I was reading a back issue of one of our favorite magazines, The Whole Dog Journal, and came across an interesting article about fish oil as a supplement for dogs. In addition to improving skin and coat, the article reminded me that fish oil is a great supplement for dogs who have a number of conditions that we see regularly here at Rocky’s Retreat. For instance, fish oil

Category: Health Management

Well it’s easy for most dogs! Here’s a short video showing Sam, and his “dad” David, getting Sam on the treadmill for the first time. Treadmills made especially for dogs are a great way to exercise your dog because you can control speed and time, and make sure they have workouts that not only build muscle but strengthen their cardiovascular and respiratory systems as well.

Category: Exercise

When we speak of exercising your dog and suggest using a treadmill, people ask why they just can’t use the same treadmill they use to exercise at home.  Actually you can but it’s important to understand the differences between the two before you make that decision for your dog. Here are some important differences to…

Category: Exercise

It’s a new year, and we know one of the top things on people’s minds right now is how to become healthier. When you’re thinking about ways to improve your health, think about your dog as well. What can you do to keep your dog healthy – physically, emotionally, and mentally? Here are just a few ideas.

Category: Health Management

Dogs have that special ability to provide comfort in even the most horrific times. Comfort dogs or therapy dogs help lift the spirits of those who need it the most. Just a few days ago, several groups brought their groups of dogs in to help ease the pain of the shootings in Newtown https://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/comfort-dogs-helping-ease-pain-sandy-hook-tragedy-article-1.1222295. Dogs…

There’s a great article in the November issue of Whole Dog Journal about preparing your dog for guests who may visit during the holidays. Because of the change in routine and how busy people get during the holidays, accidents and illness can happen much more frequently. This article recommends steps that will help keep your…