
Rocky’s Viewpoint

Rockys Viewpoint

A blog for people who treat their dogs better than family

Most people are under the assumption that mixed breeds are healthier than purebreds. There is some logic to this. When two or more breeds are blended together, we assume the chance of inheriting a breed–specific disease or condition is less probable. Designer breeds have become very popular because of the notion that breed blending produces healthier dogs.

In my neighborhood there are lots of people out daily walking their dogs. I live in a residential area where often cars cut through to get to nearby streets, sometime at excessive speeds. It’s obvious to most people then that anyone walking their dog needs to have the dog on leash to prevent a possible accident. There are other good reasons to keep a dog on leash, such as to keep him from getting into something you don’t want him to, or to keep him from chasing the neighborhood cat.

Category: Safety

I was talking to a friend the other day who has a 7 month old lab. She talked about how much energy he had and that she’d been running with him for a few miles each day. I suggested she rethink that, and she asked why. Labs and other larger dogs have growth plates that don’t close until the dog is over a year old.

I’ve been thinking recently about canine massage and why many people view it as a luxury rather than a necessity. In the human world, massage is routinely prescribed by doctors these days because the medical benefits are so clear and are growing daily.

A study in the Journal of Sports Science and Medicine showed a 57 percent increase in long term fitness for individuals who worked out with a personal trainer. Why is this? Here are some reasons.

Motivation and accountability. If you’re on your own you’re apt to put off working out. Not only will a personal trainer provide motivation and encouragement necessary to remain committed but will also provide a measure of structure and accountability.

I know I’ve written about this before, but I wanted to revisit the subject especially since I’m experiencing it with one of Yankee’s good friends, another golden retriever named Miles. Miles is spending some time with us while his “parents” are on vacation. Over the last week or so, we’ve had some pretty good thunderstorms. I…

Losing a loved family member is never easy. It’s something I’m going through right now so I’m reminded of how difficult it truly is. For many people, a pet is more than just a pet, they are beloved members of our family too, so it’s also natural to feel devastated by the feelings of loss when they die.

Category: Relationships

Summer has officially arrived in Florida! We have months of hot, humid weather facing us before we can cool off outdoors again. Even though it’s hot we still need to exercise our dogs. They need it, despite the weather. So what can you do to ensure your dog still gets the exercise he needs during the summer months? Here are some suggestions.

Category: Exercise, Safety

An interesting article by Dr. Becker talks about osteochondrosis, an orthopedic disease that occurs in young, fast growing dogs, especially large and giant breeds such as dobermans, retrievers, and great danes. The most common form of the disease is osteochondritis dissecans or OCD, a defect in bone development at the extremity of the bone.

Category: Health Management

The 2012 survey results published by the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention (APOP) are out and reveal some interesting statistics. Compared to 2011, dogs are doing “slightly” better in terms of weight management. Here are the statistics: